3 min read

3 Ways to Do PR on a Budget

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PR is hard to do well, which is why good PR agencies and top in-house talent are expensive. If you don’t have the budget for either one, that doesn’t mean your hands are tied. You can still create buzz around your company with a little creativity and discipline.


Find a PR agency that offers one-time mini-projects.

At Next PR, our Express Services are designed specifically for those moments when you don’t need a full-scale PR program. Sometimes, an hour-long workshop or coaching session will do the trick, especially for startups that aren’t ready for full-scale PR yet. These one-hour, 1:1 sessions are $2,500 and can be purchased online – no lengthy contract or procurement process needed – and include a recap document with recommended next steps. Services include:

Media Training: Whether it’s your first interview or you’re a seasoned pro, preparing for each interview is still critical to success and confidence. Our session includes:

  • Best practices based on years of listening to clients’ interviews
  • How to insert your messaging strategically 
  • The art of the pivot
  • Recorded mock interview with analysis and feedback
  • Briefing document template for future interviews

Glassdoor Coaching: The ramifications of not addressing negative reviews can be harmful to your brand – from hiring and talent retention to overall reputation and credibility. This workshop covers:

  • Best practices for responding to Glassdoor reviews
  • How to develop strategy for when and how to respond to Glassdoor reviews 
  • Examples of best Glassdoor pages (according to Glassdoor itself!) We’ll review your company's Glassdoor page together and discuss recommended actions
  • Suggestions for how to encourage positive reviews to boost your overall rating

Crisis Consultation: Not responding to a crisis (or responding poorly) can lead to loss of revenue, a safety risk, loss of investor confidence or a damaged company reputation. We’ll focus on:

  • Crisis response best practices
  • How to apologize (if necessary)
  • Existing or potential crisis scenarios and how to handle

If you need quick PR help on a service not listed above, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us so we can chat about how we can still help.


Work with a freelancer

Currently, an estimated 76.4 million freelancers exist in the U.S., and a lot of them are PR folks! Freelancers charge significantly less than an agency due to limited overhead. Since only one person is doing the work, in many cases it’s a more efficient way to accomplish a product launch, company launch or small-scale campaign. If you need recommendations for quality freelancers, reach out to us so we can connect you with a professional we trust.


Make It Easy for Reporters to Come to You

Every company website should have a press page where reporters can find you. If a reporter hears about your company and comes directly to your website, you want to make it as easy as possible for them to reach you. Many busy startups often don’t have a press page, but it matters more than you might think. Its purpose is to educate stakeholders on your latest company news, highlight media coverage in reputable news sites to show third-party credibility and provide a simple way for reporters to contact you for inbound media inquiries.

Your press page should include three parts: press releases, links to media coverage and a press contact. Ensure your press contact is front and center with a name and an actual email address, not a form to fill out. It should be made as easy as possible for reporters to contact you if they are seeking an interview. If it takes them too long to figure it out, they may go to your competitor.

Finally, keep your press page updated. If the last press release on your website is from 2017, it makes your company look dated and inefficient – especially to reporters and investors who want to see a steady stream of news.


The Final Word

Even without a significant budget, PR can still be accomplished for little to no cost. Start making connections with agencies and freelancers – and don’t forget to make it easy for reporters to find you. PR is important, especially for new companies, so don’t let an agency’s monthly retainer fee deter you. 

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