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Empowered Women Empower Women: International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day. It’s a time to think, act and move toward a more...

5 Reasons Your Franchise Needs PR Support

When you have a thriving business with a solid business plan, it’s only natural you’ll want to...

4 Marketing Reporting Resolutions

The tools to measure the impact of public relations and other marketing initiatives have improved...

5 Insider Strategies to Conquer your Next Trade Show

CES is, well, here. That came fast. Trade shows are the mecca for boosting brand awareness,...

Google Analytics 101: How to Track Your Website Traffic

Do you have a website? Do you have a blog? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, you...

Ch-ch-changes: What We Learned At ACMP’s Change Management Conference

Last week, a few of our leaders attended ACMP’s Change Management Conference in New Orleans. Below...

Video: The Best Content Marketing Tool You’re Not Using

From YouTube to Netflix to Facebook and beyond, the world is watching video. We’ve all had a moment...

3 Powerful Social Media KPIs to Measure Success

Our team recently joined over one hundred other social media experts and agencies at the Sprout...

5 Cringeworthy Grammar Mistakes in Your Inbox

You’re responding to a prospective customer’s email. You quickly hit send. You then glance at your...