- Case Study -
Next PR partnered with 1E, a leading real-time endpoint management solution for enterprise organizations, to help the company elevate brand awareness, increase share of voice and establish better positioning against competitors.

While competing against large enterprise security companies in the sales cycle, and without elevated brand awareness, 1E wasn’t securing the customer wins it craved. Many competitors were also releasing surveys, so 1E needed to find a way to stand out and offer valuable insights to the industry and prospective customers.
Next PR analyzed the themes, data and coverage resulting from other reports released by competitors. With the knowledge of what was done by similar companies, the team provided strategic recommendations for what 1E’s report should focus on, and how to differentiate the report in the media.
For the launch of the report, “Getting Your House in Order: Why Businesses are Leaving Doors Open to Security Breaches and What Must be Done to Close Them,” Next PR employed a five-phase approach to maximize the data and extend its lifecycle:
1. Launch Day News Stories: Pitched trade and business reporters under embargo to secure news stories on or immediately following the day the team issued the news release.
2. Post-Launch Stories: Leveraged specific themes within the report, supplemented by the survey data, to secure trend pieces. Used subject matter experts outside of 1E, such as Michael Daniel, Special Assistant to President Barack Obama on cybersecurity, to write bylines including 1E data for added credibility.
3. Vertical Outreach: Segmented survey data by industry (finance, manufacturing, retail, construction, etc.) and developed compelling narratives for commentary to provide industry leaders with critical information they weren’t hearing elsewhere.
4. Thought Leadership: Found creative ways to insert survey data and quotes from 1E’S CEO Sumir Karayi into stories about trending news topics. The team also established 1E as a thought leader through the help of partners. For example, Next PR inserted 1E data into a Dark Reading byline written by Jason Sandys, Enterprise Mobility MVP and consultant at Coretech Global.
5. Second Launch: Pulled significant findings from the original survey for a second survey launch specifically around the Windows 10 migration. Reporters were receptive to this content as it showed the need for businesses to prioritize the migration.
Launch Day Stories
Second Launch Stories (Windows 10)
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Next PR helped 1E create an authentic campaign that included relying on ambassadors outside the company to carry the message. The team helped establish the brand as the industry leader in endpoint management and real-time IT solutions, and the survey garnered more media coverage than all competitor surveys released in the prior year.
Secured 18 launch day stories, including:
Tech Republic
The Hill
Secured 14 media placements for the second launch around Windows 10, including:
Dark Reading
Tech Radar