- Case Study -
Beanstox is an automated investment advisory app to help investors reach their financial goals. Cofounded by Shark Tank investor Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, the platform makes investing seriously simple.

In the crowded personal finance and investing space, Beanstox tasked Next PR with creating media buzz around the newly launched platform. The team needed to highlight the app’s competitive differentiators and leverage the advice of Beanstox’s brand ambassador Kevin O’Leary to drive new users.
The Next PR team focused on outreach to national business and financial publications to reach the 100 million Americans that have little to no savings or investments and nothing put away for retirement. The team positioned O'Leary to discuss his investment philosophy that went into the Beanstox platform, how and why users should get started and how simple it is to use the platform to reach financial goals and build wealth over time.
Published Articles
Thousand Views on Coverage
New User Downloads per Day
The Next PR media project resulted in more than 15 published articles, landing in front of key targets: American consumers and those interested in investing. Top placements included participation in a U.S. News & World Report webinar, several Motley Fool pieces (including an episode of Fool Live), Forbes, Business Insider and more. More than 700,000 people viewed the project coverage.
The media program also led to significant growth in app downloads. During the media campaign, the team saw an average of 80 new user downloads per day.