- Case Study -
Locu sought Next PR to help serve its sophisticated technology solution to local restaurants. It was ultimately acquired by GoDaddy.
Locu, maker of the popular menu dashboard for local merchants, aimed to give small restaurants access to sophisticated tech that creates next-level, seamless interactions with customers.
To reach this ambitious goal, Locu turned to Next PR to execute a critical first step: establish a positive brand reputation within the business, SMB and technology communities. Messaging required a careful balance between new and traditional in order to highlight the solution’s tech-savvy features, while still making it sound accessible to the average restauranteur.
Next PR capitalized on the likable persona and tech expertise of Locu’s founder, positioning him as the go-to voice for the restaurant tech industry. The Next PR team also strategically leveraged customer stories, original data on menu usage, partnership announcements and a range of thought leadership angles. These PR campaigns were used to make Locu’s MIT-level, complex tech digestible and compelling to the corner breakfast joint.
Next PR secured consistent coverage in top-tier publications, including TechCrunch, FastCompany and Forbes. The regular cadence of positive placements helped propel Locu’s acquisition by GoDaddy.